
Conflict Resolution Test

Discover your dominant conflict style based on the Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (TKI). This free test evaluates how you approach conflict and is divided into five categories: Competition, Collaboration, Compromise, Accommodation, Avoidance.

Conflict Resolution Test

1. I try to win the argument, even if it upsets others.

Conflict Resolution Test

2. I seek to impose my solution when I know I’m right.

Conflict Resolution Test

3. I use logical arguments to win disputes.

Conflict Resolution Test

4. In conflicts, I stand firmly on my position.

Conflict Resolution Test

5. I prefer to resolve situations quickly, even if someone loses out.

Conflict Resolution Test

6. I insist on what I want, even when others disagree.

Conflict Resolution Test

7. In arguments, I focus on achieving my goals above all else.

Conflict Resolution Test

8. When someone challenges me, I try to prove that I’m right.

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